Due to the low attendance at the June meeting and for convenience of the residents, the section with the update on the Pulaski and Howard pipelines has been pulled from the long video to the below shorter 27-minute clip.
Due to the low attendance at the June meeting and for convenience of the residents, the section with the update on the Pulaski and Howard pipelines has been pulled from the long video to the below shorter 27-minute clip.
NOTICE of MEETING regarding the future replacement of the Highway 32 bridge over the Suamico River, just south of Kunesh Road.
This replacement-level improvement includes removing the current flat slab structure and replacing it with a multi-cell box culvert. Construction is currently scheduled for 2028. The roadway will be closed and detoured during construction.
The public meeting will be held at 4 p.m., Thursday, June 20, 2024. See details below.
Project maps, exhibits, and displays are available for public view and comment on the website. [Information online at https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/projects/by-region/ne/32bridgekb/default.aspx]
The public is encouraged to attend the meeting to learn more about the proposed improvements and provide input.
WIS 32 Bridge Replacement: Live, Online Public Involvement Meeting
o WIS 32 Bridge Replacement website URL: https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/projects/by-region/ne/32bridgekb/default.aspx
o Conference Call Number: (608) 571-2209, Phone Conference ID: 439 783 833#
The Town broadcast its June meetings to Facebook. Unfortunately instead of going up at the Town page it went up at the wrong account.
Below is the link for people to view.
The Town had planned on reconstructing Anston Road from County Road C to Sunnybrook this summer.
Information was planned to be put out to the residents in advance.
The Construction company has advised the Town Friday May 31st that they have a schedule change and will be starting construction NEXT WEEK June 3rd.
Initial work will be primarily on the west end of the roadway.
The company will work with you on access to your property.
Sorry for the lack of notice.
If you have questions, please call.
Keith Deneys
Town Chairman
Be advised that the Town Utility District, Planning and Town Board meeting will be held Thursday June 6th NOT on the normal second Tuesday of the month.
Utility District starts at 5:30 pm.
Planning starts at 6 pm with the Board meeting to follow.
Click on the button below to be taken to the Sample Ballot.
Construction on the Nsight Telservices Town of Pittsfield fiber-to-the-premise project started on Wednesday February 14th, 2024. The project is being deployed in two phases over the 2024 and 2025 construction seasons. Nsight Telservices selected a single contractor for this project, QOS Fiber. QOS Fiber has already completed construction (placing conduit and setting handholes) along the following residential streets: Maple Drive, Meadow Drive, Riverlane Drive, and Uphill Drive. They anticipate completing construction along Annabell Circle week of March 4th. They expect to start construction in the River Forest Hills Drive area potentially the week of March 11th. Fiber will be placed in the conduit after approximately 20,000 feet of duct is placed. Fiber splicing will follow directly after that.
In addition, QOS Fiber started placing conduit on March 7th along Town Hall Drive, Kunesh North Road (up to Quarry Drive), and from North Kunesh and Kunesh Road east to the Pittsfield Town Hall Community Center. They also started construction from the intersection of Glendale Avenue and County Highway U north to Kunesh Road. We are aware of another fiber project that is also occurring along these roads. We’d encourage impacted households to reach out to that company directly with any questions.
The construction phase will include underground digging. Here’s what residents can expect if underground construction occurs in their neighborhood.
This project is being supported in part through $123,628 of funds from the State of Wisconsin, acting by and through the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. Nsight Telservices looks forward to working with Town of Pittsfield and PSCW over the coming years to bring the latest broadband technology to the community.
Nsight Telservices will continue to provide monthly updates regarding additional construction locations to the Town Board as the project progresses.
The event, Growing Climate Smart Agriculture in Northeast Wisconsin, will feature a meet and greet with Wisconsin Farmers Union, a presentation about climate-smart agriculture and the new Farm Climate Smart WI project, and a Q&A session. This event is free, family friendly, and open to the public. The event is especially relevant for small, mid-sized, beginning, veteran, women, and BIPOC farmers; conservation professionals; and interested community members in NE WI. Register at wisconsinfarmersunion.com/fsc-wi-events. Farm Climate Smart WI is a project of the Fox-Wolf Watershed Alliance in partnership with Wisconsin Farmers Union, Pheasants Forever, Outagamie County, and Utah State University, and is made possible through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities program. The project is empowering Northeast Wisconsin farmers to implement climate-smart agriculture practices. The project supports farmers by connecting them to innovative tools, knowledge, and resources that help them to remain resilient in the face of climate and market changes.
Wisconsin Farmers Union (WFU) is a partner in Farm Climate Smart WI, a new collaborative project with the goal of empowering Northeast Wisconsin farmers to implement climate-smart agriculture practices. WFU is set to host an educational event about this new project at the Oshkosh Food Co-Op on March 25, 2024 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm.
Construction on the Nsight Telservices Town of Pittsfield fiber-to-the-premise project will start on Wednesday February 14th, 2024. The project will be deployed in two phases over the 2024 and 2025 construction seasons. Contractor QOS will begin construction along the following residential streets during week one:
Annabell Circle, Maple Drive, Meadow Drive, Riverlane Drive, and Uphill Drive.
Weather permitting, they will start working along River Forest Circle and Forest Hills Drive during week two.
Nsight Telservices will provide monthly updates regarding additional construction locations to the Town Board as the project progresses.
The construction phase will include underground digging. Here’s what residents can expect if underground construction occurs in their neighborhood.
This project is being supported in part through $123,628 of funds from the State of Wisconsin, acting by and through the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. Nsight Telservices looks forward to working with Town of Pittsfield and PSCW over the coming years to bring the latest broadband technology to the community.
The seasonal weight limits for the Township have been lifted.