It’s that time of year again.
Please join us for our annual Community Park Clean-up Day on May 1, starting at 7am.
We are looking for volunteers to help out that day. Help us keep our Community Park looking great!
It’s that time of year again.
Please join us for our annual Community Park Clean-up Day on May 1, starting at 7am.
We are looking for volunteers to help out that day. Help us keep our Community Park looking great!
Spring is the time of year when wildlife and people start bumping into each other.
Baby wildlife: Leave them alone. Mother animals do not hang around their babies since it draws attention to them. Babies survive by staying hidden and not moving. If an animal appears injured or in a dangerous location call Animal Control @819-6709 or the Wild Life Sanctuary @391-3671/3685.
Trapping-Please Don’t!
– trapping(even live trapping) in spring or summer creates baby animal orphans that will starve to death without their mother!
– traps set at night often catch skunks.
Call Animal Control at 819-6709-for methods that are more effective, more humane and less expensive.
Remember-It is against the law and dangerous to keep wild animals if you don’t have permits, even if you plan on releasing them. For more information about rescuing wildlife or deterring their presence call the numbers above.
Monica Hoff
Pittsfield Animal Control/Humane Officer