Broadband RFI (Request For Information)
Pittsfield is requesting information/presentations from vendors on how to improve High Speed Internet within the Town of Pittsfield. The scope and details are noted in the attached document. The Pittsfield Town Board has set aside four, one hour closed door presentation sessions. Each interested vendor will be allowed one half (1/2) hour to present their options, and a 15 minute question and answer session will follow the presentation.
These are public meetings and subject to public records law.
A written version of the presentation must be shared PRIOR to the presentation. If the written proposal is complete, presentations will be scheduled on a first come, first to present order.
If all available presentation slots are used, or the vendor cannot present on April 27th the board may elect to have additional dates.
Virtual Presentations are permitted.
Responses are due by April 8th.
Responses received after April 8th may still be considered.
Response to be sent to:
Town of Pittsfield Broadband RFI
ATTN: Keith Deneys, Chairperson
4862 Kunesh Rd, Green Bay, WI 54313
Location of presentation: Community Center, 4862 Kunesh Rd, Green Bay, WI 54313
Dates/Times: April 27 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm
Decision to accept any proposal will be made at a later Town Board meeting.
Questions can be sent to: Keith@Townofpittsfield.Org