In accordance with state law the remaining Town Board members and Clerk form the selection committee to choose the replacement for the vacancy being created by the retirement of Supervisor Huetter.
The selection committee will be following the below steps to fill this position:
- The committee will review the initial requests sent into the clerk by the candidates.
- A Public meeting will be held on September 10th, 2020 starting at 6 pm where a short interview will be held with each interested candidate.
- Each candidate will be given a time to come to the meeting.
- The interview will last roughly 20 minutes
- The candidate will be asked questions and then they may give a brief statement about themselves. The board may deviate from the questions based on the candidate’s responses.
- While the interview process is open to the public and the candidates have every right to attend the full meeting understand that candidates have been told that listening to the other candidates might reflect poorly in front of the selection committee.
- After all interviews are complete candidates will be invited back into the community room for the selection discussion.
After the interviews, the committee will discuss and make a selection for appointment to fill the position. The successful candidate will be sworn in at the October 13th, 2020 regular Town Board Meeting.