

During April’s Annual meeting the prospect of water services being brought into the Town was discussed. The overwhelming position of the crowd was that the Town should explore that option.

At the June Town Board meeting this topic will be discussed by the Board. I have asked the Town Attorney to explain what steps would be taken to accomplish the creation of a Water Utility. This not an overnight process and the Town must be ready if this needs to be done. The possibility of another possible future sewer district, this will also be discussed.

The agenda shows the following:

9.  Discussion regarding establishment of a new water and/or sewer district

This is an open public meeting.

Meeting is on THURSDAY JUNE 9th at the community center.

The board meeting starts immediately following the Planning meeting, which starts at 6 pm.

Road Construction

Re-construction on Uphill Drive and Silver Bow Lane will be starting around the week May 23rd.

The road will be pulverized, base added, repaved and shouldering. Notifications to individual property owners are handled through the contractor. If you have questions please reach out to the Town Engineer, Paul Willis at (920) 593-6854.

Annual Meeting

Water? Borders? Annexation rumors? What is happening in the Town?

April 19th, 2022, 7 PM at the Pittsfield Community Center

The annual meeting is where the Town will report on and discuss many of these issues.

All are encouraged to attend.