

The criminal actions of a few does not show who we, the residents of Pittsfield are.

The best examples of the great people of this community are the people shown in this news story cleaning up the damage.

If any one has information regarding the people behind this damage please reach out to the Brown County Sheriff’s Office at (920) 391-7450 or to Crime Stoppers at : You may be eligible for a CASH reward and can remain anonymous.


Come out to the Pittsfield Community Park/ Community Center to enjoy some of that Fair Food that will not be available at the canceled Fairs.

Enjoy hand battered cheese curds, mini donuts, butterfly fries, blooming onions, and fresh lemonade.

Free Music provided by HOME GROWN.

Held outside and social distancing will be encouraged.

Saturday June 27th, 2020 3 PM – 8 PM

Pittsfield Community Park/Community Center

4862 Kunesh Road Green Bay WI 54313

Food provided through Freedom Foods LLC (a Pittsfield Business)

Summer Road Construction

The road construction season has begun in the Town. You might have noted some patching on Brown County Line Road.

Below is the list of projects the Town will be working on this year:

Brown County Line Road – Area patching and chip sealing

Deer Park Ln – Pulverize, repave, Shoulder and ditch maintenance

Durango ln – Pulverize, repave, Shoulder and ditch maintenance

Cimarron Ln – Pulverize, repave, Shoulder and ditch maintenance

Golden Spike – Pulverize, repave, Shoulder and ditch maintenance

Brookside Drive Middle Bridge – Approach repair (taking the bump out)

The exact schedule has not yet been released to the Town so we are not sure of the exact construction dates. The Town will most likely get very little notice on the Brown Cunty Line Road project. Just the way it is as this company works it way around the state and its schedule is largely controlled by the weather.

The Town will try to have a pre-construction meeting for the residents along Deer Park, Durango, Cimarron and Golden Spike. In this age of COVID we are not sure yet what that will look like.

Updated Town Website

The Town now has an updated website. The site is now easier to navigate on mobile devices and tablets. Look for updates in the News/Blog section, calendars and ties to the Town Facebook page as well as other areas. Thanks to Dynamic Designs and their partnership with Packerland Websites for all the work.

If you do have input on the new design please reach out to us as we would like to make any big changes within the first 30 days.


A Fundraising Event for Pittsfield Community Park

One of the best parts of summer fairs and carnivals is the food. Come and enjoy some of those foods and help with the Community Park.

Enjoy hand battered cheese curds, mini donuts, butterfly fries, blooming onions, and fresh lemonade.

Held outside and social distancing will be encouraged.

Saturday June 27th, 2020 3 PM – 8 PM

Pittsfield Community Park/Community Center

4862 Kunesh Road Green Bay WI 54313

Food provided through Freedom Foods LLC (a Pittsfield Business)

New Voting Procedures

In February 2020, Town of Pittsfield residents experienced new voting procedures in the Spring Primary Election held at the Community Center.

When residents entered, they were greeted by four workers using electronic poll-book software called Badger Book. Badger Book, purchased by the town for $4,000 apiece, contains information regarding registered voters in Wisconsin. Poll workers used Badger Book to check in voters.

Previously, election workers looked through pages of names to find the correct voter’s name. With Badger Book, poll workers can find a registered voter in 20 seconds. Every voter showed a photo I.D. before voting, and Badger Book is able to scan driver’s licenses.

After being registered, voters were directed to the new Express Vote machines. The two machines were purchased for $3,000 each. The ballot comes up on the screen, and voters touch their selections and then print out their ballots. The ballot is then inserted in the tabulator machine to be counted.

“This will be a great help in moving the Town of Pittsfield forward with all the new voting changes and will help implement a much better security system in the voting process,” said Pittsfield Town Clerk Debbie Diederich.

-The Pulaski News

Seasonal Weight Limits


The seasonal Spring weight limits for all Town of Pittsfield roads will go into effect on Tuesday March 3rd.

Signs will go up this weekend, Enforcement will start Tuesday morning.

Limited permitting will be allowed for emergency situations. Contact the Town Clerk for further information.