With the retirement of Supervisor Huetter there will be a vacancy starting in October for the last 6 months of the 2 year term of this Supervisor position.
Considering this time period is ¼ of the actual term and with the fact that the area is in a state of emergency it is sensible to make sure that the Town Board is at its full capacity. State law allows the Town Board to appoint a person to fill the vacancy.
The Board is requesting anyone interested in being considered for this vacancy to submit a letter by end of the day August 31, 2020, outlining the strengths and qualities that they would bring to the position. Interviews may be conducted of potential candidates.
You may mail or drop off the letter to the Town Offices at:
(Town Offices are open Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons)
Town Supervisor Vacancy
4682 Kunesh Road
Green Bay WI 54313,
or email to the Town Clerk at: