Construction on the Nsight Telservices Town of Pittsfield fiber-to-the-premise project will start on Wednesday February 14th, 2024. The project will be deployed in two phases over the 2024 and 2025 construction seasons. Contractor QOS will begin construction along the following residential streets during week one:
Annabell Circle, Maple Drive, Meadow Drive, Riverlane Drive, and Uphill Drive.
Weather permitting, they will start working along River Forest Circle and Forest Hills Drive during week two.
Nsight Telservices will provide monthly updates regarding additional construction locations to the Town Board as the project progresses.
The construction phase will include underground digging. Here’s what residents can expect if underground construction occurs in their neighborhood.
- Contractors will locate existing public utilities. This will include paint and flags within the right-of-way on yards. If you have underground facilities such as dog fencing, sprinkler systems or private wiring, please notify our teams at 800-826-5215.
- Construction will continue in the right-of-way, which could include construction equipment, underground drilling or digging on these areas of your property. Specific impact will vary by address.
- Crews will return later in the spring (once the chance for deep freezing weather passes for the season) to remedy any impact in the right-of-way.
This project is being supported in part through $123,628 of funds from the State of Wisconsin, acting by and through the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin. Nsight Telservices looks forward to working with Town of Pittsfield and PSCW over the coming years to bring the latest broadband technology to the community.